Georgia Gardener Newsletter Cool Plant: June 15, 2006

Mexican Feather Grass

Nassella tenuissima (Stipa tenuissima)

Mexican feather grass can be planted as a specimen or massed together for a soft touch. The blades of this grass will move in the slightest breeze lending a gentle motion to the garden.

Plant Mexican feather grass in full sun and well-drained soil. It will die if overwatered or planted in poorly draining soil (such as clay). It's a wonderful choice for a rock garden, xeric landscape, perennial bed or meadow. Its small size (2x2) makes it extremely versatile and easily incorporated into any garden.

Mix Mexican feather grass with other drought-tolerant, sun-loving plants especially those with bold foliage or large flowers such as Autumn Joy Sedum, Black-eyed Susan and Purple Coneflower. It also makes a fine container plant. Deer resistant.

Although, the plant has been reported to be somewhat prolific from seed, I've yet to see that behavior in the three years I've had it. I suspect in warmer and drier climates, it may spread happily by seed.

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