Georgia Gardener Newsletter Cool Plant: January 25, 2007

Winter Red Winterberry Printable Version (PDF)
Ilex verticillata 'Winter Red'
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Species Native Range: Eastern half of the United States into Canada
Hardiness: USDA Zones 3-9
Mature Size: 6-8 feet tall and wide
Exposure: Full Sun to Light Shade
Soil: Organic soil that is average to wet; withstands flooding
Ease of Culture: Easy

Winterberry is a must for a wildlife garden as its stunning winter display of red berries is attractive to both people and birds. It also makes for a great winter focal point. Winterberry is very adaptable and will grow in average to wet soil and tolerates occasional standing water. A large planting of these at the edge of a lake or stream also helps to stabilize the banks.

Since most hollies are dioecious (separate male and female plants), only the female plants produce the eye-catching red berries. In order to have fruit, they require the nearby presence of a male plant that blooms at the same time. For Winter Red Winterberry, male cultivars such as 'Apollo' and 'Southern Gentleman' will be your best companions. You will need one male for approximately every 8 females and the planting distances should be within 25 feet. When designing your garden with Winterberry, plant the males in a less noticeable location as they are rather dull. Fortunately, they tend to be smaller than the female plants and can often be hidden behind them.

For more information, click here.


Although I have seen or purchased this plant from the nurseries below, I cannot guarantee that they will have it in stock at the time this newsletter is published.

Bannister Creek Nursery: Duluth
Buck Jones Nurseries: Grayson and Woodstock
Nearly Native Nursery: Fayetteville
Pike Family Nurseries: multiple locations
Woody's Nursery: Duluth 770-476-1705

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